What If I Use Too Much?
When you use too much toothpaste a couple of things can happen. The first is that the abrasive properties of the toothpaste are multiplied and you can damage the tooth structure. It can cause loss of structure and it can also cause gum recession.The other thing excess toothpaste does is cause you to spit. Toothpaste produces foam and the more toothpaste you use, the more foam you get. You have to get rid of the foam to continue brushing because it fills your mouth. This causes you to spit. It also causes you to stop brushing sooner than you should. You should brush your teeth for two full minutes to thoroughly reach every area you need to.
Fluoride is another reason not to load up your toothbrush with toothpaste. The fluoride in the toothpaste protects your teeth from damage and can remineralize them making them stronger. However, recent research shows that to gain the full benefit of fluoride on your teeth you should leave it there for at least 30 minutes after you brush. You therefore shouldn’t rinse your mouth for 30 minutes after you are finished brushing to gain the greatest benefit. If you have any questions, or if you would like to learn more, please call us today at (425) 883-8333.